Pages tagged "Transport"
Transport funding cuts in Lalor
In the election campaign I told the people in the electorate of Lalor that I would come to Canberra to represent them—that I would come to Canberra to fight for them. And that is what I will do tonight. Tonight I speak about an issue in my electorate that is...
Abbott cuts funding in a double hit to Lalor commuters
The Abbott Government’s decision to cut funding to local councils is deeply concerning given the transport issues faced by Lalor residents.
Yesterday’s announcement of $2.3 billion in Financial Assistance Grants to local government confirms that councils all over the country will receive a cut in real terms this year, because...
Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal
I rise today to support the motion moved by the member for Perth and join her in calling on the government to retain the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal so that it can do its job to make our roads safer for all users. I note the comments by the member...