No New NBN on latest rollout plans
The latest NBN rollout maps show no new areas in Lalor.
That’s no new areas since the 2013 election.
‘I have lobbied hard to ensure this community has access to quality broadband provision. My recent survey shows we have a serious internet access problem. Every day I receive emails and phone calls from local residents and businesses outlining the battle to ensure reliable, fast internet access’ said Ms Ryan.
Ms Ryan has raised this in the parliament, written several times to the Minister for Communication, and hosted a broadband forum with Shadow Minister Jason Clare, so he could hear firsthand about the concerns from local residents.
Under Labor, this area was scheduled to get the world class fibre-to-the-premises NBN - the NBN that delivers super-fast internet speeds using fibre optic cable.
Instead our community has been largely ripped off the map by Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull and most residents have no idea when the NBN will be coming to town and what kind of NBN it will be.
Malcolm Turnbull promised that areas with the poorest service would be the first to get the NBN. This is not happening.
We also know that Malcom Turnbull that from July 1, the Abbott Government has introduced extra fees for households to get connected- with a $900 fees for newly built houses. In this area dominated by new housing estates this will hit our community hard.
I urge all residents having difficulty with accessing Broadband or the NBN to fill out the NBN survey on my website or contact my office so we can get a clear picture of the issues local face.
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